AI Agents to Supercharge your Business

Starting from 4999 Kr

Every business can save time & money with automated solutions. We specialize in building custom agents that automate tasks, streamline processes to significantly boost your operational efficiency and results in your business.

Say hello to your intelligent collegue

It loves monotone, boring tasks you know needs to get done, but hate doing.

Customer Service

Always on hand to sort out customer questions quickly, keeping your clients content and loyal.

Lead Generation

Finds and attracts potential customers for you, boosting your sales with less effort.

Meeting Booker

Remembers and organizes your meetings, so you can focus on your business, not your calendar.


Makes welcoming new team members smooth and easy, helping them get to work faster.

Internal Company Assistant

Takes care of the everyday tasks, allowing you to concentrate on growing your business.

Marketing Strategist

Generates exciting marketing plans that get your product noticed and talked about.

Social media coordinator

Keeps your online presence active and engaging, drawing more eyes to your brand.

Data sorting & reporting

Simplifies your data, giving you clear insights to make smart business decisions quickly.

GPT AI Agent

Handles inquiries and tasks swiftly, freeing up your time to focus on what you do best.

Your new collegue understands 95 languages, boasts genius-level comprehension (IQ over 140), operates non-stop, constantly evolves to improve, excels in complex problem-solving, processes information in seconds, and reliably follows instructions.

Get started in just weeks

It is easy and fast to implement your new AI college together with Adhoc. As a customer, you are involved right from the start and your employees learn the product in step by step during the implementation stages. You get a committed team by your side that knows the product inside and out.

Discovery call

During a call we get all the information needed to get started with tailoring the agent based on your business.


We adjust the solution based on your unique circumstances and needs.


Sit back and see your new collegue do the work for you. Don't worry, we take care of operations, maintainance, and support.

Experience the benefits of AI. The possibilities for your business are endless.

AI isn't just a trend; it's already the backbone of many successful businesses. Embracing AI by using agents tailored for your business means staying ahead, saving time, and maximizing profits. Let us show you how.

Supercharge Efficiency: Automate tasks and watch productivity increase.

Consistency and Accuracy: AI ensures predictable results.

Stay Ahead of Competition: Be at the forefront, using technology that makes your business have a serious competitive advantage.

Optimize Resources: Use your human resources where they matter most.

Scalable Solutions: Start with a basic agent. Add more as needed.

Get our AI Checklist for free

Figure out what AI solution fits your business with our AI checklist that we use at Adhoc, get it completely free today.

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Curious about custom agents? Talk to us about your project!

At Adhoc, we believe in quality design made simple, assisting companies with their ongoing branding, websites, and AI automation needs. It's straightforward, unpretentious, and cost-effective.

Book a call with us to learn more about:

  • How the use of AI could transform your business?
  • Want to get a peek behind the curtain on how AI works in practice?
  • Or are you simply curious about how Adhoc works and assists other companies in succeeding with automations? Let's connect and make something great together.

Filip Ridderström

Co-founder Adhoc

Johan Ellingsen

Co-founder Adhoc

Book a call
+46 73-422 13 37
We're located in Stockholm & Malaga
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